Použité zdroje (Psychologie sportu)
Bibliografie použitá a doporučená
1. Kapitola
- Blažej, A. (2019). Motivace dětí a mládeže ve sportu. Munipress.
- FEPSAC - European federation of sport psychology. Dostupné z: https://fepsac.com/
- Maltz, M. (1998). Psychokybernetika. Pragma.
- Mischel, Walter & Ayduk (2002). „Self-Regulation in a Cognitive-Affective Personality System: Attentional Control in the Service of the Self". Self & Identity 1, (2), p. 113–20.
2. Kapitola
- Blažej, A. (2019). Motivace dětí a mládeže ve sportu. Munipress.
- Deci, E. L. & Ryan, R. M. (2002). Handbook of Self-determination research. The University of Rochester Press.
- Duda, J. L. (1987). Toward a Developmental Theory of Children’s Motivation in Sport. Journal of Sport Psychology, 9, 130-145.
- Hanrahan, S. J., & Biddle, S. J. (2002). Measurement of achievement orientations: Psychometric measures, gender, and sport differences. European Journal of Sport Science, 2(5), 1-12.
3. Kapitola
- Blažej, A. & Kostolanská, K. (2020). Flow ve sportu: O budování pozitivní motivace ve sportu i v životě. Grada.
- Jackson, S. A., Eklund, R. C. (2002): Assessing flow in physical activities: The flow state scale – 2 and Dispositional flow scale – 2. Journal of sport and excercise psychology, 24, s. 133 – 150.
- Mannell, R. C., Zuzanek J. & Larson R. (1988): Leisure States and Flow Experiences: Testing Perceived Freedom and Intrinsic Motivation Hypotheses. Journal of Leisure Research, vol. 20. no. 4, 289- 304.
- Flow ve sportu | Adam Blažej | TRENDY. Dostupné na: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuugjJf8z8U&t=2s
4. Kapitola
- Blažej, A. (2019). Motivace dětí a mládeže ve sportu. Munipress.
- Edwards, S. (1994). "Born too late to win?". Nature. 370 (6486): 186.
- Vičar, M. (2018). Sportovní talent. Grada.
5. Kapitola
- Blažej, A. (2019). Motivace dětí a mládeže ve sportu. Munipress.
- Freud, S., Strachey, J., Freud, A., & Rothgeb, C. L. (1953). The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud. Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis.
- Plháková, A. (2006). Dějiny psychologie. 1. vyd. Praha : Grada.
- Statistics Canada (1992). Sport participation in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian heritage. Sport Canada, p. 6.
- Dopis mému mladšímu já (Caroline Wozniacki). Become bettter. Dostupné z: http://becomebetter.cz/clanek.php?id=20
- Brown, D. (2006). Magie a manipulace mysli. Argo.
Fotografie a obrázky
1. Kapitola
2. Kapitola
3. Kapitola
4. Kapitola
5. Kapitola